Ink & Alchemy
Formerly Meraki Ink, (Meraki means essentially, “to put souI into your work”), the name Ink & Alchemy was inspired by the merging of tattooing and energy work with the intention to alchemize healing, transformation, and the expression of one’s soul as the foundation of each session, service and collaboration.
The name first was created when dreaming up the theme for Chelsie’s interview series, “Ink & Alchemy: Transforming wounds into wisdom through authentic expression, tattooing and creativity”.
Chelsie Aniceto has been tattooing since 2015 and is the owner of Ink & Alchemy; a private tattoo studio based in Balmertown, ON, Canada. She is certified in Integrative Changework (2023) and Art Medicine (2024).
She is currently offering custom and intuitive tattoos and microblading, and continues to explore consciousness-expanding and transformational practices with the intention of guiding her clients in the process of alchemy~ the transformation of bringing their soul on to their skin.